Methyl Undecylenate

Methyl Undecylenate is also used in metal working fluids and lubricants. Properties in personal care and pharma formulations.

Methyl Undecylenate ( C12H22O2) : CAS no. 111-81-9

COMMON NAME : Methyl Ester of Undecylenic Acid, Undecylenic Acid Methyl Ester, Methyl 10-Undecenoate , Methyl undecenate , 10-Undecenoic acid methyl ester

Methyl Undecylenate is a linear ester with a terminal double bond, that can be used as a chemical intermediate in the synthesis of aromatic chemicals, of polymers or modified silicones.

It can also be used as such in formulations requiring its anti-odor properties. Methyl Undecylenate can be used as a precursor for undecylenic derivatives in cosmetics. It can also be used as an intermediate in the synthesis of flavors and fragrances, and also in the formulations for its anti-odor properties.

Methyl undecylenate is used as a chemical intermediate in the synthesis of organo-modified silicones for hair care preparations and sun care products.

Physical Properties

Synonyms Methyl Ester of Undecylenic Acid, Methyl 9-Undecenoate
CAS 111 – 81 – 9
Formula C12H22O2
CH2= CH(CH2)8C00 CH3
Mol. Structure
Purity 99%  min by GC
Appearance & Colour Clear light Yellow Liquid
Odour Light, Fatty – Green
B.P 248 Deg. C
Acid Value 5 max
Iodine Value 124 – 131
Saponification Value 280 – 285


  • As a precursor for undecylenic derivatives for cosmetics and personal cares
  • As an intermediate in the synthesis of aromatic chemicals.
  • Used as a starting material for derivatives used for their anti-fungal.
  • Properties in personal care and pharma formulations
  • Methyl Undecylenate is a raw-material for many important perfumery chemicals.
  • Methyl Undecylenate is also used in metal working fluids and lubricants.
  • Methyl Undecylenate can also be a raw material for several derivatives used in the personal care industry for its anti- fungal properties and detergency.Methyl undecylenate is used in the manufacture of synthetic insect pheromones.

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